Sunday, June 27, 2010

Late June garden report

On Wednesday June 23rd I drove to the ranch. When I arrived I immediately went to the garden and was pleased to see how much the plants had grown. I hoed and pulled weeds for a while until I felt most of them were gone. I think we are going to have a good harvest.
The tomatoes vines are growing well and starting to put on blossoms.
This is the lettuce row.

This is a double row of beets. They are doing really well.

On Thursday I spent the whole day working on the new fiberglass water storage tank at the spring. Its should be ready for inspection by the NRCS. Bud and Orson Spencer helped me. Friday morning they changed the oil and filters on the ATV's. I left at noon to be home in time to see Claire and Jane perform, and to see Christian and Stephanie before the left for Utah.