Monday, August 23, 2010

Garden Update

This is not the latest picture of the garden.
Some of the vines have grown across the rows in between.
Here is a report on each row:
Green bean: good harvest, need to pick often.
Beets: great harvest.
Cabbage: good harvest, need to plant more.
Broccoli: good harvest, need to plant more.
Cucumbers: plenty
Onions: need to plant more.
Carrots: need to plant more.
Lettuce: need to plant more.
Chard: need to plant a little more.
Butternut Squash: there will be a great harvest
Tomatoes: lots of green tomatoes but few ripe?
Bell peppers: plenty
Yellow squash: came on late
Zucchini squash: only one vine, need more.
Corn: was a bust, don't know why.
Pumpkins: huge vines, and lots of blossoms
Every year I learn more and I will eventually get it right.
Next year I will try a greater variety of things.
Let me know what you think.