Saturday, July 21, 2012

Grandsons work project

 This is the work crew for the Grandsons work project July 2012 at the homestead near Prop Canyon.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wind damage

More wind damage.

Wind damage

This is what I saw when I went to the ranch this week. There was snow on April 2nd and fog on April 3rd when I took this picture. David, Mathew and Michael Young and I repaired the roof with material I had on hand.
The wind damage on April 1, 2012

Monday, August 23, 2010

A good sign

It has rained so much the demand for irrigation was has been reduced.

More grass growing.

With the juniper trees removed and burned the grass grows much better.

Sunflowers and Four-O-Clocks blooming.

This picture was taken August 5th after the rain came.

This picture was taken June 24th before the rains started.

The grass is growing well.
When Mary and I arrived at the ranch on August 18th we saw this picture. I must have been a good sign because I was able to complete every thing on my list. That doesn't happen very often.
J & J Well Service installed new PVC pipe and pump in the Indian Draw well. When I left it was pumping water to the tank on the ridge. J & J removed the old pipe and put it in the new well at the Homestead. Bud Spencer and I installed the solar tracker and we now have water at that location. The only thing remaining on my current EQIP contract is more juniper removal. I am waiting for SHIPO to approve the arch report before we start.

On Wednesday, August 4, 2010 Christian, Jay and I took a trip to explore the head waters of Bluewater Creek. It had been raining for several day before and every arroyo was running water. When we came to a place where the road crosses the creek it was flooded and the road washed out. We followed the creek along the bank looking for a place to cross until we came to a fence. Along the way we found these log ruins which I think were the remains of a logging camp. It was interesting and beautiful country. I would like to finish our exploration.

Garden Update

This is not the latest picture of the garden.
Some of the vines have grown across the rows in between.
Here is a report on each row:
Green bean: good harvest, need to pick often.
Beets: great harvest.
Cabbage: good harvest, need to plant more.
Broccoli: good harvest, need to plant more.
Cucumbers: plenty
Onions: need to plant more.
Carrots: need to plant more.
Lettuce: need to plant more.
Chard: need to plant a little more.
Butternut Squash: there will be a great harvest
Tomatoes: lots of green tomatoes but few ripe?
Bell peppers: plenty
Yellow squash: came on late
Zucchini squash: only one vine, need more.
Corn: was a bust, don't know why.
Pumpkins: huge vines, and lots of blossoms
Every year I learn more and I will eventually get it right.
Next year I will try a greater variety of things.
Let me know what you think.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rolling water bars

These are pictures of the rolling water bars that were made with grant money from the Rio Puerco Alliance. We built 135 of these on about 6-8 miles of ranch roads. The purpose is to divert the water off the road onto the land so that it does not erode the road. After lots of summer rain most of them are doing what they are supposed to do.

New storage tank at the spring

This is a picture of the new fiberglass storage tank at the spring. The old steel tank holds 7000 gallons of water and the new tank will hold 9000 gallons.

Rock and Brush dams for the EQIP contract

These are pictures of the rock and brush dams that were built by Jacob, Parker and Tate. It was hard work and I am sure they were glad when we were done. We gathered rock from the hill side and put in the loader on the tractor and dumped the rock in the arroyo. Then I moved the rock into position. We need to make hundreds of these but they won't be as large. The purpose is to keep the head cuts from eroding.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Late June garden report

On Wednesday June 23rd I drove to the ranch. When I arrived I immediately went to the garden and was pleased to see how much the plants had grown. I hoed and pulled weeds for a while until I felt most of them were gone. I think we are going to have a good harvest.
The tomatoes vines are growing well and starting to put on blossoms.
This is the lettuce row.

This is a double row of beets. They are doing really well.

On Thursday I spent the whole day working on the new fiberglass water storage tank at the spring. Its should be ready for inspection by the NRCS. Bud and Orson Spencer helped me. Friday morning they changed the oil and filters on the ATV's. I left at noon to be home in time to see Claire and Jane perform, and to see Christian and Stephanie before the left for Utah.